What does it take to reach perfection? A few words initially pop into my mind: perseverance, faith, humble attitude, but what does it really take? Well I don't know if there really is a concrete answer to that question. But what I do know is exhaustion is not a prerequisite to perfection. Unfortunately, I did not come up with that conclusion on my own. In an October 1993 Ensign Cindy K. Peterson gave a talk entitled just that. (you can access the link at the bottom of the page). She discusses how she thought that unless she was exhausted at the end of each day, she had done something wrong. Somehow perfection translated in her mind as being busy all the time. When in fact that is not true. I unfortunately fell for the same trap. The more accomplishments I felt I did in a day the more successful the day was. But I had to realize sometimes you can't measure some of the accomplishments you have made, nor do we recognize all of them. How do you measure the love and time spent with a child, or spouse? Are the relationships you are building with them helping you become better and a more perfect and whole being? Yes! But those are not things easily checked off in a calendar, or on an agenda. This talk really helped me gain the perspective I needed to remind myself what this life is for, and to really strive to come close to my Savior in differentiating on what is really going to help me become better in the long run.
Link: https://www.lds.org/ensign/1993/10/exhaustion-is-not-a-prerequisite-to-perfection?lang=eng&query=%E2%80%9Cexhaustion+prerequisite+perfection%E2%80%9D
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